10 WWE Storylines That Have Aged Horribly

4. Booker T Fights Against Racism

triple h booker t

Long time fans of WCW will recall Booker T's organic rise to the top of the mountain. It was amazing then to see Booker carry on such babyface success in the WWF/WWE, albeit after a stint as heel during the ill-fated 'Invasion' angle. By 2003, Booker was baby and poised to challenge Triple H for the World Heavyweight Title.

Instead of penning a story that spoke to Booker's natural connection to the audience, WWE had Triple H hint that the ex-WCW Champ could never win the big one due to his skin colour. This, not surprisingly, had people complaining in droves on wrestling forums. No wonder, racism angles are hard to tolerate.

"Somebody like you doesn't get to be World Champion," said Triple H, as though African-Americans didn't belong in the upper echelons of WWE. Worse, Booker's fight against racism was doomed to failure and he was actually beaten by 'The Game' at WrestleMania XIX. After all that, WWE made Triple H (the racist of the piece) look correct.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.