10 WWE Storylines That Saved Wrestling Careers

7. Stepping Out Of Bret's Shadow (Owen Hart)

Bret Owen Hart

Before violently spitting that brother Bret was selfish and that's why he "kicked your leg out of your leg" at the 1994 Royal Rumble, Owen Hart was little more than WWF enhancement talent. It was pretty clear they had no idea what to do with him beyond token tag-teams (The New Foundation and High Energy were both atrocious).

Even teaming with Bret wasn't enough. Owen needed something more to come into his own, and that's why a storyline that had him striving to step out of his elder sibling's shadow was genius.

Despite the Rumble promo flub, Owen cut a confident figure who wanted to stand on his own two feet. When he outwrestled Bret and picked up a key win at WrestleMania X, he turned from lower-card enhancement talent to credible threat to his brother's WWF World Heavyweight Title.

That one story launched Owen's career to new heights. Without that expertly-executed turn at the Rumble, he wouldn't have won his first meaningful WrestleMania match, become King of the Ring or challenge for the title in a steel cage at SummerSlam.

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