10 WWE Storylines That Saved Wrestling Careers

6. The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Billy Gunn)

New Age Outlaws 1997

177 days before the pair joined the super-cool D-Generation X, both Road Dogg and Billy Gunn formed The New Age Outlaws. That team, at the time, seemed like a quick fix to their similar problems. Namely, neither man was over at all with fans.

As "Double J" Jesse James and Rockabilly (The Honky Tony Man's damn awful protege), both goofs played before silence and their feud was so terrible it could easily have been their last in the WWF. Then, totally out of nowhere, the New Age Outlaw gimmick reinvented their careers and turned both from trash to treasure.

Oh, you didn't know?

Nobody could have known how hip the Outlaws would become when Dogg encouraged Gunn to turn on Honky and start hitting out at older members of the roster. Their rise fit snugly into the WWF's new Attitude, and it caught the eye of those higher up the food chain.

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