10 WWE Storylines That Saved Wrestling Careers

5. Becoming A Degenerate (Triple H)

D Generation X

Road Dogg and Billy Gunn weren't the only ones struggling before degenerate swagger saved them from the wilderness.

If you've ever wondered why WWE refrain from shining a spotlight on Triple H's career pre-DX, it's because there wasn't much going on. Still working the tired "Greenwich snob" character that had been sucking hard since 1995, Trips needed a fresh injection of charisma and a ticket out of mid card hell.

He got it when real-life friend Shawn Michaels, along with Chyna and (briefly) Rick Rude saved the day. D-Generation X was born, and it became one of the era's defining gimmicks. Plucked from a dead end run and placed into a group that mixed frat boy humour with HBK's fan credibility, Triple H finally had purpose.

Before that, he was working decent-to-good matches against Goldust and Mick Foley without really convincing anyone he was top line material. Not even a 1997 King Of The Ring win could help when the privileged blueblood guise was so one-note.

DX changed everything.

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