10 WWE SummerSlam Matches That Should Have Happened At WrestleMania

8. Test Vs. Shane McMahon - 1999

Brock Lesnar CM Punk SummerSlam

At both WrestleMania XV and 2000, Test found himself forgettable tag matches with a partner he had been somewhat thrown together with. The former saw him allied with D-Lo Brown, whereas T & A was a thing come early new millennium. Somewhere in the middle there was a time where he was on course to become a genuine superstar.

It was Test who was the first to be allied with Stephanie McMahon onscreen, and SummerSlam 1999 saw the big guy take on Shane McMahon in a match to determine whether the romance could continue. The stipulation was weird, but the match stands today as a hugely underrated summertime thriller.

This was also Shane McMahon's first truly decent showing inside the ring. The two told a story that stands above what we came to expect from them both, and surely the match and the story was worthy of a big WrestleMania showcase.

The match was a SummerSlam bout, however, and Test never truly went over the top in the company like many had hoped for/predicted.


Born in the middle of Wales in the middle of the 1980's, John can't quite remember when he started watching wrestling but he has a terrible feeling that Dino Bravo was involved. Now living in Prague, John spends most of his time trying to work out how Tomohiro Ishii still stands upright. His favourite wrestler of all time is Dean Malenko, but really it is Repo Man. He is the author of 'An Illustrated History of Slavic Misery', the best book about the Slavic people that you haven't yet read. You can get that and others from www.poshlostbooks.com.