You may have noticed that Cesaro is very strong. Very, very, very strong, actually. Very. Yes, the Swiss Superman is often touted as one of the strongest members of the WWE roster and is training partners with fellow very strong man John Cena. So how does Cesaro get so bloody strong and look so lean and athletic while also being big? Well, it's all pretty simple stuff, really. He works out hard, he eats right and he doesn't do cheat days. Yes, Cesaro does a lot of heavy, Olympic style weightlifting mixed in with some more intense Crossfit type stuff and eats really, really clean. No sweets for the master of the Neutralizer! He is also partial to the notoriously exhausting deck of cards workout, where you assign an exercise such as push-ups and sit-ups to a suit and do the number it lands on. For an entire set of cards. Yikes. Of course, there has been speculation that Cesaro's recent shoulder injury is a result of his training methods, meaning he might have to modify his routine slightly when he comes back. Modified or not, you can guarantee that he will still be in excellent shape, will still be super strong and won't be skipping any leg days. If you want to get strong and stay in shape, follow Cesaro's advice.