10 WWE Superstars Guaranteed To Benefit From Seth Rollins' Absence

9. Dean Ambrose

Back when The Shield were still together, I always found it a little difficult to imagine where Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose were going to end up when that faction came to its end. After all, it was apparent from Survivor Series 2013 onwards that Roman Reigns was the one that the WWE were banking on to be their next big star, but things obviously took an unexpected turn when the WWE Universe turned on Reigns. With Rollins going on to become the company's top heel, Ambrose has emerged as a firm fan favourite, but has never really been given the chance to shine in the same way as his former brothers. Yes, he's main evented PPVs, but he certainly hasn't squared off against someone like Brock Lesnar. Instead, he's remained mostly in the midcard, recently becoming little more than a sidekick of sorts to Reigns. Now, with Rollins gone, it's the perfect time for that long rumoured heel turn for the Lunatic Fringe. Even if they decide against going in that direction, with Reigns still very much receiving a mixed response from fans, Vince McMahon and company surely see the benefits of having a fan favourite like Ambrose step out from the shadows of his former Sheild teammates to become a champion along the lines of Steve Austin.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.