10 WWE Superstars In Dire Need Of New Finishers
8. Eva Marie

Current Finisher: Sliced Bread No. 2/Shiranui
Ever since her return to NXT following her training with Brian Kendrick, Eva Marie has been using his Sliced Bread #2 as her finisher. However, Eva’s execution of the move is wrong in many ways, the least of which being how slowly she walks to the turnbuckle, climbs it, and jumps backwards.
Simply put, she looks awkward when executing this maneuver, and so she should master something simpler before attempting something more adventurous.
Suggested New Finisher: DDT
When a wrestler debuts a new finisher, it’s usually considered an ‘improvement’ from what they were doing previously. In Eva’s case, unfortunately, she needs to go back to the basics before she can pull off something as unique as the Shiranui.
And there’s nothing more basic than the DDT, a move that literally every single wrestler in WWE has used at one point or another.
While it might make her look like a less-effective wrestler by finishing her matches with a simple DDT, she needs to master this move first. From the snap effect of it, to getting the timing right, to learning how to work the cameras so that the move comes off more painful than it really is, Eva needs to learn all of these things before she can use the Shiranui.
Her take on that move is too amateurish, so it’d be better to stick with something that doesn't require perfect timing and considerably more technical precision.