10 WWE Superstars Who Deserve To Be Angry Right Now

1. Zack Ryder

Stardust WWE

Excitedly trying to contain himself, it was clear that Zack Ryder was lifted by his WWE Intercontinental Title win during the opening match at WrestleMania 32.

In a post-match promo he passionately explained how good it felt to bag that belt, because he had watched Razor Ramon do the same thing years ago at 'Mania X.

This is a story WWE could have went with, playing off of Ryder's passion and allowing fans to live vicariously through his underdog success. Instead, his reign was abruptly ended the next night on Monday Night Raw by The Miz, and Ryder was put back in his place as an enhancement talent.

Such a disappointment has happened to Zack before, he should be used to it now. That fact can't make it any easier, he was let down once more by those who should be looking to enhance him as a performer.

A tearful embrace with his father at WrestleMania post-victory was only a few weeks ago, yet it somehow feels like a lifetime has passed since it happened.

For Ryder, that must be a bitter pill to swallow.

What other WWE stars do you feel must be angry right now? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

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Cody Rhodes
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