10 WWE Superstars Who Deserve To Be Angry Right Now

2. Tyler Breeze

Stardust WWE

WWE shot themselves in the foot by programming Tyler Breeze to feud with Dolph Ziggler in late-2015.

All the brief rivalry did was highlight just how similar both men are to one another, something which indirectly harmed the babyface persona of Ziggler. There was little to differentiate him from Tyler's arrogant 'Prince Pretty' guise, heel or not.

Officials clearly weren't pleased with how the feud was progressing, because they cut it short without much fanfare. Since doing so, Breeze has been another directionless performer in the lower mid card pack, and that can't sit well with him.

On NXT shows, Breeze was a highlight. His match against Jushin Thunder Liger from NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn last Summer, for example, was tremendously entertaining.

Fans haven't seen anything like that from him on the main roster so far, mainly because he's booked to lose short, uninspiring matches to all and sundry.

At the moment, Tyler Breeze is a jobber, a poor spot to be in for someone who landed on the main roster with a pre-built character and some hype.

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Cody Rhodes
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