10 WWE Superstars Who Deserve To Be Angry Right Now

5. Stardust

Stardust WWE

Reinventing himself in the summer of 2014, Cody Rhodes morphed into Stardust. Designed to play up his family ties to Goldust, the character was absurd from the off.

Credit must go to Rhodes, as he has consistently played the persona to the best of his abilities, and clearly sees potential in the idea himself.

Unfortunately, Stardust comes across as a gimmick people might have seen during the mid-1990's on a show like WWF Superstars, more than one with upward mobility in today's WWE. Cody has energy in the role, but it's sadly not enough to offset the cartoon-like nature of the guise.

As much as the character has limited appeal, it's still fair to say that WWE haven't always done right by Rhodes. He competed in the Ladder Match for the Intercontinental gold at WrestleMania, yet watched as Zack Ryder - a man who has rarely been used on television for years - was handed the win.

Stardust's problems likely don't lie with Ryder, they must be aimed at those calling the shots. The writing team seem loathe to give him anything meaningful.

In this post: 
Cody Rhodes
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