10 WWE Superstars Who Deserve To Be Angry Right Now

3. Alberto Del Rio

Stardust WWE

Much like his peers in the League Of Nations, Alberto Del Rio appears to be a man WWE don't really know what to do with. His return at Hell In A Cell last October was a legitimate surprise, but he has been undermined by poor booking ever since.

Fans were excited to see him upon his reappearance, especially when he defeated John Cena to become new WWE United States Champion. That was followed up by a clumsy association on screen with Zeb Colter, one which did absolutely nothing for either man.

As a heel, Del Rio can be biting on the microphone, but he has made up the numbers on the roster over the past few months.

The excitement over his return has faded entirely. This must be a source of real confusion for Alberto, he's someone fans are willing to take seriously if the writing calls for them to.

Currently, however, he's just another star without a program or feud to focus on. This despite his Latin heritage that should help make him stand out as an individual.

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Cody Rhodes
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