10 WWE Superstars Who Got Too Much Too Soon

8. John Bradshaw Layfield

Randy Orton SummerSlam 2004

It seems a little odd to say that a wrestler got too much too soon, when he received it nine years after joining the company, but this one is more specific to the character as opposed to the wrestler himself.

As Bradshaw, JBL had carved out a nice little spot in the midcard, forming the APA with Farooq after their run as the Acolytes in the overrated Ministry of Darkness. As poker-playing, beer-swigging guns for hire, they were popular with the fans and even got a few tag title reigns out if. Considering neither man was the most compelling of worker between the ropes, the spot was perfect for them.

Even a brief sojourn into the now disbanded hardcore division was fruitful, and Bradshaw had 17 reigns with the chaotic belt.

In 2004, circumstances changed everything. Brock Lesnar had left WWE and both Big Show and Kurt Angle found themselves injured, leaving popular WWE Champion, Eddie Guerrero without a credible challenger. Step forward, John Bradshaw Layfield.

Cutting his hair short and shedding the beard, JBL emerged from nowhere in a fancy suit, playing into his real life role as a stock market expert. He was a bully, and a bit racist too, to be honest, but out of nowhere, 'The Wrestling God' was catapulted into a WWE Title match within weeks.

In just two months of the gimmick change, JBL was holding the WWE Championship, and went on an unwanted nine-month reign where he successfully defended the belt against pretty much everyone.

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Randy Orton
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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!