10 WWE Superstars Who Got Too Much Too Soon
7. Big Show
Remember earlier in the list when we spoke about how Vince McMahon saw the size and power of another man and signed them to a ridiculously long contract before knowing how well they could perform in the ring?
No way he did that again, right?
To be fair, in 1999, the then ‘Giant’ was a featured player in the WCW that had been giving Vinnie Mac a pasting in the ratings and was a multiple-time WCW Champion. He was also seven-foot tall, 500 lbs and could do a moonsault. It was a no-brainer to sign him. But another ten-year contract was a mistake.
Wanting to get the most out of his investment, Vince McMahon pushed the newly christened Big Show right into the main event, and within a year - even after an atrocious feud with the Big Boss Man - he was WWE Heavyweight Champion. But the ‘World’s Largest Athlete’ was far from the athlete he needed to be, and after losing the belt he tumbled down the card.
After the death knell of all gimmicks - the ‘mimicking other wrestlers’ gimmick - was given to him, Big Show was shipped off to OVW to improve his in-ring skills and his fitness. Again, Show returned and had a Hall of Fame-worthy career, but just like Mark Henry, Vince McMahon saw a guy who passed the airport test and gave him too much right from the get go.
It’s as if the guy never learns?