10 WWE Superstars Who Have The Wrong Character Alignment

1. Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns Scarface

You probably knew this one was coming. No single wrestler greater exemplifies the perceived stubbornness of WWE creative and Vince McMahon staying the course of a story that they want to push despite negative fan reactions. For the past two plus years, Roman Reigns has been given a main event title push as a babyface, despite the fact that he rarely garners cheers from even half of the crowd (on a good night).

Roman’s talent and growth as a wrestler is undeniable, but WWE’s unwillingness to go with the momentum of his crowd reactions and turn him heel has totally sabotaged any credit he may have earned with the diehard fans in the WWE universe, to the point where the company consistently has to mute or alter his crowd reactions.

With the Royal Rumble on the horizon, it appears to be a very real possibility that WWE is gearing up to have Roman win the rumble again, more than likely sending the fans home furious for a third year in a row.

Rather than trying to force the narrative, WWE desperately needs to turn Roman Reigns heel. A heel Reigns could dominate Monday Night Raw, allowing him to take the spot in the main event that Vince McMahon seems determined to have him occupy. Once Roman has a long heel run and erases the memories of his failed face pushes, the company can try to move forward again with his redemption. Until then, WWE will continue to force a square peg into a round hole, sending ripple effects through the rest of the company and the way that faces are booked.

And please Vince, no more sufferin' succotash, son.

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Roman Reigns
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Anthony is an aspiring screenwriter and lifelong wrestling fan. He was present for the filming of the "We're All Together Now" music video and he will talk your ear off about it. NXT Snob. Follow him on twitter @AMonterulo for all his obnoxious progressive opinions.