10 WWE Superstars Who Desperately Need To Be Sent To NXT

2. Christian

When Christian returned alongside Edge on Raw a little while back, Jerry Lawler said that the injury prone Superstar had retired, something Captain Charisma was quite to deny on social media. His injuries have obviously made the WWE reluctant to give Christian too much of the spotlight (a great shame when you think back to the matches he was delivering this time last year), so how about some sort of role down in NXT for the fan-favourite wrestler? Taking over as GM could work - though it would be a great shame to lose William Regal - as would seeing him on the announce team as a colour commentator. He could even wrestle a few matches in a guest role of sorts in order to help a younger talent get over with the crowd, but a non-wrestling role is in many ways an even more exciting prospect. Long story short, Christian's career needs to continues in some way, shape, or form. Why not NXT?

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.