10 WWE Superstars Who Desperately Need To Be Sent To NXT

1. Darren Young

When Darren Young returned on the Raw preshow recently (likely a result of his criticisms about Abu Dhabi which brought the WWE the kind of press attention they don't want), it appeared as if his slightly new look and bulked up physique might be leading to something interesting for him after a challenge from The Ascension. Unfortunately, it just led to a Prime Time Players reunion which will see Young and Titus O'Neil retreading old ground. At 35, Young isn't, well, young, but he surely has plenty of years left in the tank to establish and interesting enough singles career for himself. It's hard to imagine him entering the main event scene at this point, but some time spent down in NXT could help him show whether he's got what it takes to steal the show, and there's every chance he could then use that momentum to carve out a position in the midcard as the Intercontinental or US Champion.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.