10 WWE Superstars Who Desperately Need To Be Sent To NXT

3. Big E

As Dolph Ziggler's bodyguard, Big E Langston's initial NXT to WWE transition was an example of talent stepping up to the main roster actually working. His Intercontinental Championship run was enjoyable enough (even if it did last a little too long), as was his feud with Rusev. However, it quickly became apparent that WWE Creative weren't sure what to do next with Big E - apart from dropping "Langston" - and he was soon made part of New Day. The unexciting trio who appear to be Vince McMahon's clichéd idea of how black people act have failed to connect with the WWE Universe, and while there's little hope for Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston, a return to NXT could benefit Big E. Transforming him back into a monster heel could be done on the main roster, but seeing him head back to Orlando for a while to dominate and then bringing him back to Raw would be a much needed fresh start.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.