10 WWE Superstars Who Desperately Need To Be Sent To NXT

8. Zack Ryder

At this point, it's kind of amazing that Zack Ryder hasn't been "Future Endeavoured" by the WWE. He's talented, but used so sporadically and wastefully, that they seemingly only keep him around to fill out house shows and job to the likes of Rusev (though even that was a long time ago). Ryder returned at the Royal Rumble, but made no real significant impact, and his career has never fully recovered after that whole John Cena/Kane/Eve fiasco. Rather than waste him until his contract ends, why not send Ryder to NXT and give him a chance to reinvent himself? It's something he's shown an ability to do in the past when he made himself a star, and it could happen again. Ryder has the experience to potentially help other up and coming talents too, and while he's too closely associated with the Zack Ryder character to ever get a complete repackaging, he would benefit from it for sure.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.