10 WWE Superstars Who Desperately Need To Be Sent To NXT

7. Heath Slater

With his recent legal troubles cleared up, what's next for Heath Slater? The fact that Titus O'Neil has now reunited with Darren Young more than likely means the WWE Universe should say goodbye to Slater Gator (not a great loss), something which all but guarantees that the the former 3MB member is once again right at the bottom of the card. The fact that he survived last year's cull and Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal didn't is still surprising. WWE clearly don't have any major plans for Slater, so a chance to find himself down in NXT even for a few months would be no bad thing. He's been in a weird sort of limbo since 3MB came to an end, but fans seem to like him, so Slater taking on a new persona - he went after WWE Legends near the beginning of his run; why not turn that on its head and have him target the younger talent in NXT? - might just save him from the next wave of firings.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.