10 WWE Superstars Who Suffered The Most In 2015

2. 'King' Barrett

Traditionally, winning the WWF/WWE 'King Of The Ring' was supposed to be something which enhanced the man chosen for the accolade. Obviously, management have grossly over-estimated the power of the title in years gone by (Billy Gunn, Mabel etc), but fans were willing to overlook that in 2015. In late-April, Wade Barrett became known as 'King' Barrett, defeating both R-Truth and Neville during a WWE Network special. Previously, Barrett had beaten Dolph Ziggler in the Quarter Finals on Monday Night Raw. All in all, across the 3 bouts, he wrestled for around 20 minutes. This wasn't the only thing which stopped his coronation from feeling special, the entire thing just came across as needlessly hammy. Looking corny in his crown and robe, Barrett also carried a scepter to ringside with him. The 'King' gimmick was once again taken literally, even though it didn't work for Sheamus years before. From there, instead of launching Barrett higher, he fell deeper into the depths of comedy-act nonsense. It's only lately, by association with the League Of Nations, that the Englishman has threatened to get back on track. Sadly, he seems to be the cannon fodder of the group currently.
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Lana Rusev
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.