10 WWE Superstars Who Suffered The Most In 2015

3. Daniel Bryan

It would be interesting to know what 2015 would have turned out like had Daniel Bryan not been forced to depart the ring due to injury. At WrestleMania 31, Bryan won the WWE Intercontinental Title. Fans were over the moon with the crowning, because the popular wrestler was deemed exactly what the secondary belt needed. In short, hopes were incredibly high that Daniel Bryan would enhance the IC Title. There's a good chance that would have happened, but mounting injury problems reared their ugly head. In May, after an extended period on the sidelines, Bryan relinquished the Intercontinental Title and waved goodbye to the fans. The whole situation felt absurdly quick. Within the span of a few months, the IC Title went from being held by someone like Bryan, to being around the waist of Ryback. This was quite the letdown for everyone watching. Ryback has his strengths, but he's no Daniel Bryan between the ropes. Bryan must be one of the most unique entries on this list, because the fans suffered along with him throughout much of 2015. As of yet, he still hasn't reached a compromise with WWE on his future. He clearly has hopes of wrestling again, but the company aren't too sure if that's a good idea.
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Lana Rusev
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