10 WWE Superstars Who Suffered The Most In 2015

9. Adam Rose

It's true that Adam Rose had a rough 2014, but 2015 has been even worse for the leader of the 'Rose Buds'. At the tail end of last year, he apparently turned heel by attacking The Bunny, a character who had previously been part of his entourage. From there, WWE proceeded to do absolutely nothing with him, and that's a trend which has continued this year. The Bunny is now gone, and with him Rose's party animal character. Now, he is struggling to get a gimmick over during which he mocks the WWE fans and appears aloof. There's little substance to the concept of the character, which is probably why people in the audience don't really respond to it at all. Fans know Adam Rose is a bit part player, so why bother taking him seriously? Adam Rose hasn't done anything of any real note in 2015. He was part of the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal during the pre-show of WrestleMania 31, but that's about it. He rarely wrestles on television, and is bordering on Zack Ryder-level obscurity at the moment. At this point, Rose would benefit from a tag-team gimmick, or something he could focus on.
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Lana Rusev
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