10 WWE Superstars Who Suffered The Most In 2015

6. Dolph Ziggler

Speaking of Dolph Ziggler, it seems the 'Show Off' is destined to toil in mid card hell for the foreseeable future. At the risk of being negative about his prospects, Ziggler has been around the main roster in his current guise since 2008. If he was ever going to consistently main event, it would have happened by now. Instead, he is forced to cut promos bemoaning his status on the roster. 2015 has been another frustrating year for Ziggler. There's a lack of genuine headline stars in the company appearing on a regular basis, but Dolph still hasn't been able to crack the top line scene for good. His current feud with Tyler Breeze sums up all of Ziggler's current issues in WWE. The rivalry is something the creative team have started to ignore, it has come across as a secondary concern. For years now, this is how Dolph Ziggler has been booked. He's someone the promotion know they can rely on for good matches, but he's never going to be 'the man'. His big-bumping style makes him perfect heel fodder, but he's all too often overlooked when it comes to the top spots. Will 2016 be any different? That remains to be seen.
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Lana Rusev
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