10 WWE Superstars Who Went From Hero To Zero In A Heartbeat

2. Jinder Mahal

Keith Lee

Some four years removed, Jinder Mahal’s sole reign as WWE Champ feels like naught but a bad memory. It was a six month stint tainted by fan puzzlement, boring wrestling, and the return of the execrable Punjabi Prison match. When Mahal dropped the strap to AJ Styles, a collective sigh of relief was breathed, and business as normal resumed.

It’s hard not to feel sorry for Mahal, who was pushed to the top in the most inorganic and nakedly opportunistic manner. He went from jobber to top dog overnight, and the decision was nakedly done in an effort to break the lucrative Indian market. The obviousness of Vince’s hand at the wheel here only increased fan antipathy towards Jinder, a talented and hard working wrestler.

Still, sympathy aside, it’s fair to say he’s about back where he belongs now, for the time being at least, occupying the midcard and engaging in the odd personal feud with the likes of Drew McIntyre. It’d be great to see Mahal rebuild and make a natural rise back to the upper echelons of WWE; failing that, just spare us that 2017 nonsense.

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Keith Lee
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)