10 WWE Superstars Who Would Benefit From A Feud With Roman Reigns

6. Shinsuke Nakamura

Roman Reigns silhouette

Like Black, Shinsuke was dumped with the classic foreign heel gimmick as soon as the cheers started to wear off on his first run through WWE's main roster. However, also like Black, WWE is missing out on a massive opportunity to do something great with a genuinely unique character. Nakamura doesn't need words to be effective: his charisma oozes out of every mannerism.

If you want him to compete with Reigns on the mic, then tough. English is not his first language. What would be exciting is giving him Paul Heyman in a stunning turn on the champ that would build some genuine intrigue. Roman losing someone who brought him to the mountaintop once again would be a hammer blow.

Reigns can carry himself just fine on the stick, and if Samoa Joe is part of the stable as this article links together like the damn MCU, he can do the talking while Roman sits back with that gorgeous yet hateable smug grin on his face. As for the in-ring action, how much joy would us fans get from watching Nakamura kick seven shades of hell out of Reigns in that ultimate strong style of his?


A huge fan of pop punk music, all the movies, Bray Wyatt, Shawn Michaels, and tea.