10 WWE Superstars You Didn't Know Wrestled In New Japan

7. Sting

Though Sting briefly wrestled for All Japan Pro Wrestling in 1989, it was WCW's partnership with New Japan that would bring him back to Tokyo. In 1991, the companies co-promoted "NJPW Starrcade 1991 in Tokyo Dome", a WCW-versus-NJPW card that saw Sting come up on the losing end of a battle with The Great Muta. The following year at "NJPW Starrcade 1992 in Tokyo Dome", Sting and Muta joined forces to defeat The Steiner Brothers in a stand-out encounter. Still, Sting's charisma and star quality was such that the New Japan faithful wanted more of him. He would continue to compete in occasional matches for the company through 1996, even taking part in two more Tokyo Dome shows. Under the NJPW banner, Sting would tangle with both New Japan stars (such as Hiroshi Hase, Shiro Koshinaka, and Hiro Saito) and WCW stars (The Giant, Rick Rude, and Steven Regal). The most notable part of Sting's NJPW tenure came in 1995, when Kensuke Sasaki defeated The Stinger for the WCW United States Championship in Sumo Hall. Sting would defeat Sasaki in a non-title rematch at Starrcade 1995 which, despite being held in the U.S., was once again a WCW-versus-New Japan card.
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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013