10 WWE Tag Teams That SURELY Didn't Happen (...But DID!)

8. Charlie Haas & Viscera

Xavier Woods R Truth

On the 5th June 2006 edition of Monday Night RAW, Charlie Haas - in preparing for his match against Johnny Nitro - accidentally bumped ring announcer Lilian Garcia off the ring apron, legitimately tearing a ligament in her wrist in the process. Fans in attendance were sympathetic towards Garcia and hounded a solemn-looking Haas throughout the match, leading to Haas attempting to apologise the following week.

Cue Viscera! Who was in his big, sexy pyjamas phase and confronted Haas regarding the mishap, leading to a mini-feud between the two for Lilian’s affections. After Lilian rejected the pair of them, Viscera (somehow) accidentally gave the announcer a Samoan Drop, which was met with rousing laughter from Haas, blossoming a beautiful friendship between the pair.

After accomplishing very little and only battling in a World Tag Team Title Number 1 Contendership match once, said pairing lasted until the end of the year on TV, after Haas reconnected with his Greatest Tag Team partner Shelton Benjamin. However, an unlikely reunion would occur four years later, as both Haas and Viscera (billed as Big Daddy Voodoo) found themselves in the controversial AJPW/ZERO-1 stable Voodoo Murders, and even challenged for the AJPW World Tag Team Titles.


Wish.com Jules Gill. Pretty fond of heavy music, Arsenal, video games and wrestling.