10 WWE Tag Teams That SURELY Didn't Happen (...But DID!)

3. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger

Xavier Woods R Truth

Whilst reigning as United States Champion in 2011, Dolph Ziggler’s manager/girlfriend Vickie Guerrero was approached by Jack Swagger with a view to manage him as well as Ziggler, prompting some jealous disapproval from the Champ. Staggeringly, after Ziggler stole a victory from Swagger at Night of Champions for the Title, Swagger’s offer was accepted, and the two rivals were now “allies” under the mutual managerial services of Vickie Guerrero.

Guerrero’s services were fast-acting, getting her boys a WWE Tag Team Title shot against Air Boom at Vengeance, although they were unsuccessful. The team continued to fight alongside and against each other over the proceeding months, repeatedly challenging for the Tag Titles, as well as defeating the team of CM Punk and John Cena, but also battled for WWE Title Number 1 Contendership, and the recently-dropped US Championship.

Having grown tired of their bickering, Guerrero ordered the two to settle their differences in the ring, where Ziggler claimed victory. Guerrero dropped Swagger, ending the team, but they were not to be kept apart for too long, as nearly a year later, the two reignited their feud – this time with Alberto Del Rio – over the World Heavyweight Championship.


Wish.com Jules Gill. Pretty fond of heavy music, Arsenal, video games and wrestling.