10 WWE WrestleMania 32 Opponents For Stone Cold Steve Austin

7. Roman Reigns

Why It Should Happen: The idea of Austin versus Roman Reigns is a fascinating one. The biggest star of the company's hottest period against the man whom they'd like to become 'the man' in the future. Austin has been critical of Reigns in the past and vocal about the fact that he doesn't think Reigns is ready for the top spot yet. Following the 2015 Royal Rumble, Austin sated on his podcast that:
He€™s not ready. They€™re looking at the body of work. With the two other guys - three total in the Shield - he€™s doing one-third of the work, come in and shine and get out. Now all the sudden you€™ve got all these gaps to fill in the blanks, and he hasn€™t been able to fill in those blanks
If the two were feud Reigns could easily turn heel and use this quotes against Austin, saying that he's intent on making a believer out of Stone Cold. Reigns has also proven to be a big match player in recent months, having stunning matches against Daniel Bryan, Brock Lesnar and even The Big Show on PPV. What Are The Chances: Quite good. It's a fresh matchup which will intrigue people. As an angle, it's the kind of generation versus generation clash that is so easy to promote and do well. In the ring, it could go either way, but if given the right amount of shortcuts and distractions, it could be quite epic. Nobody had hope for Reigns/Lesnar and look how that turned out. The major hiccup is: who wins? If WWE wanted to establish Reigns as a major heel, a win over Austin in Austin's home state would certainly do it. Conversely, it's doubtful that if Austin is coming back for one more match that he's coming back to stare at the ceiling.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...