10 WWE Wrestlers Cursed At WrestleMania

6. Big E

Dolph Ziggler WrestleMania

Despite a rocky start in 2014, The New Day has been one of the most popular WWE acts for the better part of a decade. Along with Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods,Big E has always been over with fans, so it seems strange he wouldn’t have better luck at WrestleMania.

Big E lost his first bout at ‘Mania 29. At 30, he was eliminated from André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal by… Fandango. Next, he lost on the pre-show at 31. Then, it was a defeat by The League of Nations at 32.

Big E was around the next spring, yet rather than compete, he helped host the event. Back to action, E was defeated during a three-way tag match at 34. At ‘Mania 35, he accompanied Kingston during his match, but he did not have one of his own.

WWE decided only one member of each team was allowed to compete in the Triple Threat Ladder match for the SmackDown Tag Team Championship at WrestleMania 36. Along with Woods, ‘E’ elected Kingston to represent their trio.

Unlike years prior, 2021 has been decent to Big E. Some fans may be upset he isn’t next to the rest of The New Day. Still, the result has been a passable singles run, one that garnered him another reign with the Intercontinental title. Unfortunately, all signs point to him dropping the belt either before or at WrestleMania 37.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.