10 WWE Wrestlers Cursed At WrestleMania

3. Goldust

Dolph Ziggler WrestleMania

If you weren’t familiar with the gold-colored ‘Bizarre One’ until his later years with WWE, then it might be a bit harder for you to imagine him as a once-formidable threat to the likes of The Undertaker.

However, back in the Attitude Era, Goldust received quite a bit of attention from his controversial persona (both in and out of the ring) as well as the glimmers of his in-ring prowess garnished throughout the plethora of gimmicky shenanigans.

Despite being relatively popular for a while, especially during his time as Intercontinental Champion, somehow Dustin Rhodes never made a real impact at WrestleMania.

Looking back at his record, the only time Goldust didn’t seem to lose was when a match was thrown out as a no-contest or ended in a draw.

With 'Rowdy' Piper, he had the infamous Backlot Brawl, which was almost entertaining at points. Other than that, he never had much to do at ‘The Grandest Stage of Them All’ except for face humiliation in front of thousands of fans or merely serve as a body to eliminate during multi-man matches. At the very least, WWE could have let him pick up a meaningless battle royal victory.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.