10 WWE Wrestlers Poised To Break Out In 2023

8. Tegan Nox

Solo Sikoa Paul Heyman

She's back!

The temptation was there to borrow a familiar phrase and type, 'The bitch is back', but anyone who has met Tegan Nox could tell you she's absolutely lovely. That's why it's so heartening to see her back in the WWE sphere and on main roster telly all over again - Nox deserves it, especially after suffering through several career-threatening injuries.

Tegan is one well-worth keeping an eye on as calendars turn to 2023. She's always been capable of great things in-ring (check out some of her pre-WWE indy work for proof of how naturally solid she was before gaining more experience), but should get the chance to explore more character/promo work in the near future.

Follow Nox on social media and you'll see there's just something really likeable about her as a human being. That, assuming it's harnessed properly and 'souped up' for wrestling, gives her a real fighting chance to rally support and succeed in WWE second time around.

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Solo Sikoa
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