10 WWE Wrestlers Set For Career-Best Years In 2021

3. Toni Storm

Toni Storm

This explosive and dynamic performer has impressed audiences across the world for years. She is a former United Kingdom Women's Champion, and the 2018 winner of the Mae Young Classic, so it is safe to say that her career has certainly had some high-points. But 2021 seems destined to be the year that she fully reaches her potential.

Seeing Toni Storm recently back on TV was incredibly exciting, and making the switch from NXT UK to the main NXT brand spells a promising future for her. In addition to her reappearance, her heel turn came as a massive shock, since her babyface persona has been an integral part of her WWE character.

This dramatic shift is an entirely new direction for the inaugural Progress Women's Champion, but there is no doubt that she will excel in the role. Her great indy look, combined with her charisma and fantastic in-ring ability all point to her having a career-best year in 2021, especially as this new prominent NXT position clearly shows that there is support behind her.

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Toni Storm
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