10 WWE Wrestlers That NEED To Move To NXT

4. The Dirty Dawgs

Kevin Owens NXT

Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode as a pairing might have seemed like a waste of time at the beginning of their run, but how good have they been since!?

Both men were going nowhere as singles acts and pairing the two boastful show offs into a tandem act was a stroke of genius from the writing team. For the better part of the last two years, both men have relished the opportunity to have more screen time and been a delight as the smarmy heel characters that they were born to play.

Since losing the tag titles to the Mysterio Family, they have sadly taken a backseat and have rarely been seen on TV. This needs to be fixed because the longer they stay off TV, the closer we get to Vince breaking them up. That can’t happen. Instead, the black and gold brand would be perfect for the duo.

For as good as their tag division is, NXT is running out of challengers for MSK. They can only fight Legado Del Fantasma so many times, so a new challenge would certainly be a breath of fresh air. Plus, the ring veterans could be a great presence in the NXT locker room, providing necessary wisdom to some of the newer, up and coming talents.


Just an Australian wrestling fan who grew up admiring the sport that we all know and love. All round wrestling fanatic, wouldn’t mind if you just sat down and listened to his humble opinions on the wrestling world.