10 WWE Wrestlers Too Good For Their Current Role

6. Cesaro

Mustafa Ali

The poster boy for "He should be doing better than this," invisible brass ring enthusiast Cesaro will in retire with two legacies.

One will pay tribute to his freakish feats of strength and power, which has led to him becoming one of the best workers of his generation and the other will simply be titled ‘What Could Have Been’.

It may be easier to make a list of things Cesaro should have achieved in his WWE career rather than all of his actual accomplishments, which is saying something for a seven-time Tag Team Champion and former United States Champion. At least one World Title reign and a hoss battle with Brock Lesnar in particular, have been on the collective WWE Universe wish list for years now. He's still here so when there’s light, there’s hope.

From day one in WWE, Cesaro has possessed the look and body image Vince McMahon craves, add to this his stupendous talent in the ring in which he showcases on a nightly basis, all he is missing is some polished mic skills. Sure, promos are a big deal but alongside a mouthpiece in Sami Zayn, he ticked every box and brings everything to the table.

WWE needs to swallow their pride and give the fans what they want. Cesaro deserves justice.


Aussie Wrestling fan who's hell bent on watching every RAW and Smackdown from 2004 onwards because why not. I'm a fiend for mediocre wrestlers who loves throwing out an opinion. Get around me fellas!!!