10 WWE Wrestlers Who Could Have (And Should Have) Wrestled The Undertaker At WrestleMania

6. Vader

Undertaker Razor Ramon WrestleMania XI

If you were to ask historians who the greatest big man was, they'd probably be split. Some would say Bam Bam Bigelow, but many others would doubtlessly say Big Van Vader. With his intimidating look, strength, and surprising athleticism, Leon White tore up Japan and WCW in his prime, winning multiple accolades and becoming one of the most famous gaijin wrestlers ever.

Vader didn't exactly get the star treatment one would expect of his calibre in WWE. An initial strong start gave way to injury struggles and the backstage politics of Shawn Michaels, as Vader found himself waffling between prominence and the background.

While Vader did have two PPV matches with The Undertaker (three if you include their participation in the Final Four matchup in February 1997), their interactions were largely transitional in nature. At a time when 'Taker was finally beginning to flesh out and show off his wrestling acumen, he doubtlessly would have benefited from a big fight with Vader at WrestleMania. Instead, 'Taker had to settle for matches with Diesel and Sid. Vader would leave the company around mid-1998, and a WrestleMania match with the Deadman never came.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.