10 WWE Wrestlers Who Could Have (And Should Have) Wrestled The Undertaker At WrestleMania

5. The Rock

Undertaker Razor Ramon WrestleMania XI

The Undertaker is one of the most beloved icons in the history of wrestling, and The Rock is undoubtedly one of the biggest superstars WWE have ever produced. How these two never had a match at WrestleMania is beyond me.

Well, okay, obviously, timing was an issue. In the years 'Taker and Rock could have faced off against each other, there were more pressing matters each had to attend to. In 1998, 'Taker was finally facing off against Kane in an angle that had been built for months. Rock, meanwhile, had three major matches with Stone Cold Steve Austin in 1999, 2001, and 2003. One could argue that WrestleMania X8 could have been the time to pull the trigger, but then we would have lost out on the iconic Hogan-Rock match. So perhaps when you consider all that, it was probably for the best that the two were never programmed for the show.

Still, it's hard not to be disappointed considering 'Taker has had lousy 'Mania matches with the likes of Big Boss Man, A-Train, Big Show, and so on, when The Rock was right there.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.