10 WWE Wrestlers Who Couldn't Live Up To The Hype

7. Tazz

ryback wwe

ECW legend Tazz was given the red carpet treatment on night one in WWE, culminating in one of the all-time memorable debuts when he tapped (or, rather, passed) out Kurt Angle at the 2000 Royal Rumble.

Injuries eventually took their toll though and Tazz soon ended up behind the commentary desk alongside Micahel Cole, the role for which he is now - regrettably - most known in the eyes of a lot of younger wrestling fans.

We never got see the ECW Tazz at full tilt, which was a great shame when you consider how much the subsequent Invasion angle - which he narrowly missed out on - could have been improved with the addition of one or two of Paul Heyman's cast.

For that reason, Cole's right-hand man perhaps failed to live up to his hype - even if it had more to do with injuries than any bad performance or bad booking. He simply wasn't the guy we expected to see, and he wasn't even a great commentator either.

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