10 WWE Wrestlers Who Couldn't Live Up To The Hype

6. Jack Swagger

ryback wwe

Jack Swagger was a burly, singlet-wearing former All-American amateur wrestler with blonde hair. In other words, he was a cross between Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle.

Unfortunately, though, he didn't achieve even a fraction of what either of them did, and while that is clearly too high a standard to hold him to, this seemed to be exactly what WWE were going for when they introduced him to our screens about a decade ago.

How else do you explain the fact that, like Lesnar and Angle, he won his first world title within about a year of making his in-ring debut? (In fact, it was within about three months if you count the ECW Championship as a world title).

For many fans, Swagger just didn't command that sort of push. He wasn't impressive enough either on the mic or in the ring, leading - inevitably - to accusations that he was only in the spot he was in because of Vince McMahon's liking for big, muscly guys.

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