10 WWE Wrestlers Who Couldn't Live Up To The Hype

5. Mark Henry

ryback wwe

Mark Henry did, of course, become a WWE world champion eventually - but only after about a decade of service and a whole lot of false dawns.

By that time, it was easy to forget the hype with which Henry - the purported 'World's Strongest Man' - arrived in professional wrestling in the late 1990s, when he was awarded a lifetime contract of the kind they gave fellow Olympian Kurt Angle right around the same time.

One or two injuries and a hand-birth later and Henry was reduced to a glorified enhancement talent, trotted out every now and then to put over someone set to be pushed as the company's next big baby-face.

It depends what your expectations for Henry were, ultimately, but given that they billed him as an Andre the Giant-type figure in the early goings, it's perhaps true that he failed to live up to all the mega hype - belated world title reign or not.

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