10 WWE Wrestlers Who Couldn't Live Up To The Hype

4. Drew McIntyre

ryback wwe

WWE don't tend to give second chances, which is testament to how much faith they have in Drew McIntyre, and more to the point how much the Scot has improved during the time he spent away from the company over the last three years.

The first go round wasn't exactly a complete disaster, in all fairness. McIntyre held both the Intercontinental Championship and, alongside Cody Rhodes, the WWE Tag Team Championship. He never fought in the main event but he always seemed to aspire to those heights.

If there was a problem, it was that he was forever going to be held up to the standards of Vince McMahon's "Chosen One", a moniker he was branded with when the chairman of the board decided that this was the guy who was going to drive his company into the future.

Anyone saddled with that sort of expectation would have struggled, and however talented McIntyre was he couldn't really live up to the hype. Having started his second WWE run with a bang, however, you would imagine that will end up a mere footnote in his career.

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