10 WWE Wrestlers Who Never Truly Evolved

2. Rey Mysterio

10 WWE Wrestlers Who Never Truly Evolved

Rey Mysterio is a career babyface. A brief attempt to turn him heel in WCW simply didn’t take and if anything was just one more example of how misguided that company was at times.

WWE’s “biggest little man,” has long been one of wrestling’s most sympathetic characters. Despite his freakish athleticism and obvious skills between the ropes he’ll always be the underdog, fighting from underneath. The guy even evokes sympathy when clearly faking having his eye poked out!

But it isn’t all about his stature. Rey knows how to play the role to the hilt. He may not be the greatest talker but every time he sets foot in a ring personality bursts from him in a way a mask simply cannot hide.

Besides, even if he wasn’t so very, very good at it, Rey shifts far too much merch for Vince McMahon to ever change up his gimmick.

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Randy Orton
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Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.