10 WWE Wrestlers Who Peaked In 2017

6. Braun Strowman

Braun Strowman Universal Title

Braun Strowman is totally, undeniably awesome. Anyone who didn't come to this realisation in 2016 must surely have been made a believer over the last 12 months.

Were it not for the ongoing project to rebuild Brock Lesnar's credibility after the three or four months he spent getting thrown around the ring by Goldberg, in fact, 2017 probably would have marked The Monster Among Men's first World Title reign.

The question now is: where does he go from here?

Fans were clamouring to see Strowman win the Universal Championship over the summer, but the moment came and went, in much the same way that it did with a plethora of fellow upper mid-carders in years past.

It is a fact we all know to be true that Roman Reigns is going to spend most of next year in the role of Monday Night Raw's leading man. There's no guarantee that anyone will get a look in, least of all Strowman, who - after turning face over recent weeks - could spend 2018 as an ally of The Big Dog, rather than a foe.
