10 WWE Wrestlers Who Peaked In 2017

2. Bray Wyatt

Braun Strowman Universal Title

Bray Wyatt has had bad (or at least disappointing years) before, but it has always seemed as though he had another gear in his locker; another level to which he could aspire.

This time, things feel a bit different. The Eater of Worlds did, at long last, get his turn in the WWE main event after capturing SmackDown's biggest prize at Elimination Chamber, only to then lose it without much of a fight at WrestleMania the following month.

He will probably continue to be a staple part of WWE programming for as long as he remains fit and able to throw himself around the ring for our entertainment (or at least until this storyline with WOKEN Matt has run its race) but one does wonder whether he will ever reach the same dizzying heights he did six months ago.

For whatever reason, he just doesn't seem to be regarded by the corridors of WWE power as anything more than a well-produced sideshow, and one who is perhaps always going to lack the raw tools they look for in a potential franchise player.
