10 Young WWE Stars With WrestleMania Main Event Potential

4. Omos

Isaiah Swerve Scott

There have been countless examples of giants in WWE who had everything going for them because their appearance ticked every Vince McMahon box, but fell short of the mark because they simply couldn’t wrestle.

The Nigerian-born 7 ft 3 monster Omos still requires vast maturing between the ropes, but whilst aligning with AJ Styles he has undoubtedly improved out of sight. However, it's obvious he is not yet ready to go it alone, because he only has four singles matches to his name thus far, and they were not exactly 5-star classics.

As the muscle for The Phenomenal One, Omos cuts one hell of a figure, standing at a size which has only been topped by Andre The Giant and Giant Gonzalez before him in WWE. Styles has even endorsed the humungous Omos as a future World Champion, and whilst the jury is still out on whether this could indeed become a reality, his odds are better than many.

With Omos, WWE has a giant opportunity with a literal giant, to turn him into a capable performer with at least competent ability to hold down his end of the bargain in a contest. His facial expressions are as scary as his magnitude, and there are the makings of a monster heel ready to explode within Omos.

But WWE must be patient and not rush the process, or else Omos won’t stand a chance and will be yet another failed giant.

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Isaiah Scott
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Aussie Wrestling fan who's hell bent on watching every RAW and Smackdown from 2004 onwards because why not. I'm a fiend for mediocre wrestlers who loves throwing out an opinion. Get around me fellas!!!