100 Greatest WWE WrestleMania Moments
95. The Hart Foundation’s Killer Squash (WrestleMania VI)

Many wouldn't have been expecting to see this gem make the cut, but it's here in full pink and black attack glory. WrestleMania VI was pretty much a one match show going in, but the WWF burned through 14 bouts on the main card. One of them lasted just 19 seconds: The Hart Foundation crushing The Bolsheviks after Jim Neidhart cut Nikolai Volkoff's rendition of the Russian national anthem short with a double sledge to the back.
BOOM! Bret Hart and the 'Anvil' weren't waiting around.
Volkoff was unceremoniously dumped out of the ring in the resultant melee, then poor Boris Zhukov found himself at the mercy of a decidedly un-sportsmanlike double beatdown from The Foundation. One Hart Attack later and it was all over. Still, something about the way Bret counted the three by thrusting his fingers into the camera lens was ridiculously cool. In fact, experts say nobody has ever been cooler in the history of anything ever (SOURCE: The dude writing this).
That one flash of charisma gave fans a sneak peek of what was coming next from the 'Hitman'. He'd split from Neidhart a year later then embark on one of the best singles runs in pro wrestling history. Bonus points go to comedian Steve Allen for his hilarious backstage skit with The Bolsheviks. There, Allen played piano in the showers (?!) and deliberately ripped it by playing the wrong tunes as Nikolai and Boris tried their best to stay calm.
Timeless stuff and one of the best squashes in 'Mania lore. Check it out if you've never had the pleasure.