11 Big Comic Book Characters CM Punk Could Play

3. The Thing

Fox StudiosFox StudiosThe Thing AKA Ben Grimm is such a unique character that he has been played by Michael Chiklis in one Fantastic Four movie and is set to be played by Jamie Bell in the next one - and actors don't really come much more diverse (without getting in to ethnicities) than those two. Moreover, the fact is that any Fantastic Four movie is going to depict the character in his rock form for the most part - you'd imagine, at least - so Punk's appearance wouldn't really matter. Aside from personality traits (Ben Grimm is a stubborn, strong-willed and opinionated character, so Punk does actually fit the bill anyway), the one thing that led us to include Ben Grimm on this list is the fact that, often, when Punk walks out to the ring to take part in a wrestling match, he utters the words "it's clobberin' time" as he comes through the curtain or heads down the ramp. Getting to hear him say it as Ben Grimm - even if it was just in an animated series - would be worth the casting on its own.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.