11 Big Comic Book Characters CM Punk Could Play

2. Doctor Doom

Marvel ComicsMarvel ComicsAnother character who CM Punk has personally likened himself to is Doctor Doom. Doom is a big character - one of Marvel's most prominent and gifted villains (and Punk made a pretty damn good heel in the WWE) - and when Marvel.com's James Viscardi asked Punk in person which Marvel character was as "straight-talking" as Punk, the then-WWE superstar responded by saying "a huge aspect of my personality, I think, resonates in Doctor Doom, you know, he's like this flawed genius, you know, very egotistical, dabbles in the black arts, I mean that's me to a T, you know, that describes me perfectly, he talks in the third person, he's very high on himself and he's got a crush on Sue Richards - I like women!" Could Punk pull off Doom on the big screen? We're actually not sure, but his own evaluation of the similarities between the pair means the character has to be high on this list! Julian McMahon ripped the character to shreds in the first Fantastic Four movie franchise and Toby Kebbell (of Dead Man's Shoes fame) was the surprise choice to take the role in the upcoming reboot - would Punk really be any worse than McMahon or any more surprising a choice than Kebbell? He certainly has the right level of arrogance (though imagining him doing the infamous cry of "RICHAAARRRDS" and pulling it off isn't as easy as you might think).
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.