11 Big Comic Book Characters CM Punk Could Play

1. Punisher

Marvel ComicsMarvel ComicsThe one comic book character that we think CM Punk was born to play is the Punisher. Punk has described the character as being his favourite when he was growing up and as "raw and simplistic, yet complex" - a bit like Punk himself, we think. The Punisher is the epitome of a no-nonsense ass-kicker which, again, isn't unlike Punk. His black slicked back hair is very much like Punk's own and the previous depictions of the character in live action - by Dolph Lundgren, Thomas Jane and Ray Stevenson respectively - were hardly performed by A-listers and weren't exactly brilliantly received, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to think that the role might want to be avoided by those actors with an existing reputation to uphold. Punk has actually been tipped to write some Punisher stories for Marvel and, if that ever happens, it would be ideal opportunity for him to stake his claim to Marvel Studios to play the character in a movie! At the very least, he should be given the opportunity to voice an animated version of the character - for him to not even be given that opportunity would really be a crime! So there you have it - ten big comic book characters CM Punk could play in movies (whether it be live action or animated). Did you like this article? Do you agree with any of the ideas? Which other comic book characters could CM Punk play, in your opinion? Or should he actually never be put anywhere near such a role? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!
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CM Punk
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.